As a result of the Phase II transition to the Unified Internal Revenue System (SURI) completed on December 10, 2018, all employers, withholding agents, or tax return specialists must verify that their accounts have been automatically transferred to SURI in order to make the transactions required by the Code.
In addition, the security levels of the user accounts at SURI were updated in order to protect the identity and information of taxpayers. The sign-in process of taxpayers already existing at the Treasury Department (TD) requires verification from the taxpayers to be able to finish their registration at SURI and make the transactions included in Phase II: Withholding at Source, which includes filing of withholding vouchers and the corresponding informative declarations; estate declarations and donations; excise taxes, taxes for alcoholic beverages and license rights.
To assure an agile and flexible process for the transition to SURI, the TD issued Internal Revenue Informative Bulletin No. 19-02 (BI RI 19-02) to inform taxpayers that no fines, surcharges, or penalties will apply to filings or payments related to Transactions included in the Phase II Transition; and which due date runs during the period covered from Monday, December 10, 2018, to Thursday, February 28, 2019, provided that the transaction is completed no later than Thursday, February 28, 2019.
Withholding Vouchers
Employers must file the Withholding Vouchers (Forms 499R-2/W-2PR) for the year 2018 as well as the Income Tax Withholdings Reconciliation Statement no later than Thursday, February 28, 2019. After that date, the TD will accept neither the extension requests for filing of the Withholding Vouchers nor the corresponding Income Tax Withholdings Reconciliation Statement.
Notices of Fines or Penalties
Those taxpayers that receive a notice of any fines, interests, surcharges, or penalties even though they complied with what is established on this Informative Bulletin, must visit any Taxpayer’s Service Center so that these are removed.
IVU Related Transactions
All Sales and Use Tax transactions must be completed on their due dates. These transactions are not part of the Phase II Transition to SURI. Therefore, any IVU transaction not submitted on the due date will be subject to interest, surcharges, fines, or penalties.
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