The launching of the Second Phase of the transition to SURI will take place in the following days. For this purpose, the Treasury Department is issuing a series of Circular Letters to inform on the process of registering transactions in the system. Following, we present a summary of the new process to request and renew internal revenue licenses. We encourage you to contact us to obtain detailed information on your particular case.
As part of the transition to the Internal Revenue Unified System (SURI), the Treasury Department issued Circular Letter No. 18-14 (CC RI 18-14) to inform about the new process for renewing, canceling, or requesting licenses through SURI. CC RI 18-14 stresses that from December 10, 2018, any and all renewals, cancelations, or requests for new licenses, which includes all documents that must be submitted to receive the license as well as payment of the corresponding rights, must be made electronically through SURI. Transactions also include access and printing of the license.
All current licenses will be incorporated automatically into a new License account that will be shown on the merchant’s main page at SURI. In addition, all licenses must be associated with a registered locality. Thus, from December 10, 2018, all merchants must confirm that their active licenses are associated with the corresponding locality.
CC RI 18-14 advises that if the merchant fails to pay for the license rights or cancels his licenses during the Renovation Period, the system will determine the process as incomplete. The TD will proceed to automatically establish a debt for the balance due of rights pending for payment plus interests, surcharges, fines, and penalties. Merchants may cancel their licenses through SURI before the Renovation Period is due.