Property owners that rent a space for ninety (90) consecutive days or less must charge a tax equal to 7% of the room rate as stated under the Canon for Room Occupation, and send the payment by filing the Monthly Tax Declaration to the Puerto Rico Tourism Company (PRTC). As required by law, all innkeepers must be registered and have an identification number issued by the Room Tax Division of the PRTC.
In order to encourage the payment of outstanding tax debts with the Puerto Rico Tourism Company (PRTC) on the canon for room occupation, the Governor recently signed Law 137-2018, also known as “Catch up on your Payment of the Canon for Room Occupation Tax”. This law establishes discounts and incentives for either the full payment of the debt or for settling a payment plan.
Alternatives Included in the Incentives Plan
Law 137-2018 offers the following alternatives:
- Payment in full of the principal owed without interests, surcharges, or penalties
- Payment Plan with a 75% discount on interests, surcharges, or penalties
Effect and application of the Incentives Plan
The Plan will be in effect for 180 days starting on July 10, 2018, the date on which the Law was signed and ending on January 7, 2019. It will apply only to those debts acquired before the moment the law was signed.
To obtain additional information and apply for these benefits, access PRTC’s web page:, or contact the Company through its email
NOTE: We remind you that TCG is available to clarify any doubts, bring you detailed information and assist you with any action to be taken in this regard.